A few essential foods for older people It is very important to pay attention to your health.

A few essential foods for older people It is very important to pay attention to your health.

 A few essential foods for older people It is very important to pay attention to your health. Because a lot of hormonal and metabolic changes occur in the body at this age. Changes in body systems are part of this age. But if they take care of their health at this stage, they will look physically fit and active like people in their thirties. Exercise is extremely important for people entering their fifties. Because exercise keeps the body's muscles strong and active. And they don't suffer from numbness. Exercise can protect you from joint pain, cholesterol increase, weight gain or heart disease and other diseases to a great extent.

 After the age of 30, a person's metabolic system also begins to slow down. Hence low nutrient foods, empty calorie foods, snacks, fried foods, slow digesting foods,

Junk food etc. prove to be more harmful at this age.

Effects of aging

As people get older, their metabolism slows down. There is also a lot of impact on the human activity, he becomes less active and less active. Physical strength and energy also starts to decrease. Body systems such as the digestive system and the immune system become weakened. Even the respiratory system does not have a good effect, walking too much or doing hard work, etc., leads to fatigue, in addition to this there is a risk of many diseases. Therefore, it is important to increase the age. At the same time, attention needs to be paid to quality food. Therefore, it is important that if the age is 50 years or more, what are the best foods to include in the daily diet?

Leafy vegetables and legumes provide powerhouse ingredients ie energy, essential vitamins and minerals and keep the body's metabolic system healthy. And for those entering their 50s, vegetables and fruits prove to be disease-preventing, disease-curing, medicinal, and healthful. And it's not necessarily that they are important only for people over fifty years of age, but they are healthy for people of all ages. Live a healthy life.

As you enter your fifties, it's important to include nutritious foods in your diet and foods that help slow down the effects of aging. For example

Fresh fruits or vegetables, dry fruits, nuts, legumes and nutrient-rich foods keep the body strong and healthy and reduce the effects of aging. Therefore, at this age, these foods must be included in your daily diet. add And don't reduce water consumption, but drink more water.

Here are a few such foods that can be made a regular part of the daily diet. These foods can provide the body with all the nutrients it needs. These foods improve the performance of body systems like digestive system, immune system, bone and muscle strength etc. and provide protection from many diseases.

1. Beans

Beans are rich in nutrients, fiber, iron, carbohydrates, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium and fat provide health benefits. Digestive problems are common at this age. The fiber in beans keeps the digestive system healthy. A good digestive system strengthens and accelerates the body's metabolic system. Therefore, beans are also good for the metabolism system. The iron included in it increases hemoglobin and strengthens immunity. It also reduces bad cholesterol levels. Prevents diabetes and normalizes blood pressure levels. Both fresh and dried beans are healthy. It also controls blood sugar.

2. Joe Oats

At this age, which is an excellent diet. It strengthens metabolism and immunity. Its nutrients include vitamin B, iron, manganese, copper, selenium, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus. It lowers cholesterol as the risk of heart disease increases at this age so consumption of 3 grams of barley i.e. one and a half cups of cooked barley porridge daily or two to four days a week significantly lowers cholesterol levels.

Which also reduces the risk of heart disease. Apart from this, barley has many health benefits.

3. apple

Apple is also an excellent food at this age. Because there is a famous saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Nutrients like fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B, potassium copper, iron and manganese etc. provide enviable health and much needed nutrition to the body. It provides ample amount of fiber which lowers cholesterol levels. In addition, eating apples keeps you fresher and younger and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, stroke and heart disease.

4. nuts

Instead of fast food chips, cookies, etc., nuts are a great and nutritious snack and snack. Eating various nuts like almonds, pistachios, walnuts, cashews and peanuts can protect against the risks of stroke, heart disease, and mental weakness and other diseases.

Nuts are an on-the-go but extremely healthy snack. Nuts rich in nutrients such as fiber, vitamin E, protein, fat, carbohydrates, copper, antioxidants called polyphenols, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium and manganese etc. are very valuable benefits. which help protect body cells from damage caused by free radicals. In addition, they improve heart health and help reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) levels. These fruits improve metabolism and also reduce blood sugar levels.

5. Leafy vegetables

Leafy vegetables are very healthy food. It is not only good for physical health but also improves mental health. It is rich in nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, fiber, antioxidants, folate, potassium, calcium and magnesium etc. are Which is best for heart health. They are also a good source of iron and fiber. Therefore, they are very helpful in improving the level of hemoglobin in the blood and the fiber in them keeps the digestive system healthy. But by cooking them in a simple way, you can use them at full bore like

Recipe Spinach Bhajiya

Chop a bunch of spinach and wash it well. Now fry five cloves of garlic in two tablespoons of olive oil or mustard oil and fry them until red. Cook on medium heat until done. It is loaded with nutrients. Because spinach is one of the superfoods.

6. Yogurt

People over fifty years of age need to pay more attention to calcium and protein-rich foods for bone health and strength. Because with time, bones and muscles start to weaken. Therefore, it is necessary to include the use of curd frequently in your diet. Yogurt is the best food if you have problems digesting milk. The protein in yogurt helps in keeping the muscles strong. And helps in weight control and contains nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, potassium, phosphorus, protein which helps in maintaining healthy bones and strengthening them. And also help prevent diseases like osteoporosis. The healthy probiotic bacteria in it are essential for intestinal health and can help with common gastrointestinal disorders, upset stomach, diarrhea, bloating, constipation and improve digestion.

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