An American Military officer except islam religious

An American Military officer except islam religious

 An American military officer 

My name is Khalil now. I was an officer in the US Army. Born into a staunch Catholic f

amily, I was admitted to a Catholic school. went to church three times every week. studied and firmly believed in all Christian doctrines, including the Trinity and the Atonement. He also went through some other stages of the maturity of faith. Despite this, I also used to drink alcohol and commit other religious taboos. When the science teacher threatened me for not doing my homework, my mother took me out of the religious school and put me in another ordinary school. Along with that, I also left the Catholic Church and joined the Methodist Church. There I joined the religious music team. After some time, he became the leader of this group. I started serving in Sunday services. The church people said that your inner being is illuminated by the Christian spirit. So you should move on. After that, I decided to become a priest and started studying religion. As I delved deeper into religion and studied the scriptures, many things were revealed that were beyond my understanding. I drifted away from religion due to illogical and paranoid reasoning and eventually became a complete atheist. Denying the existence of God He then became a commissioned officer in the US Army. Fortunately, after the invasion of Afghanistan, I was sent there. Seeing Muslims closely made me interested in learning about Islam. The study continued. But I was adamant about atheism. However, one fact became clear: the Western media's portrayal of Islam and Muslims is diametrically opposed to reality.After returning from Afghanistan, I opened a YouTube channel to promote atheism. There was a long period of debate with people, and finally I came to the conclusion that the existence of Allah is true. It cannot be denied. Then I also became convinced that Islam is the only true religion among the religions believed in by Allah Ta'ala. Now there was no option other than to recite the word Shahadat. It has been one and a half years since I became a Muslim. After accepting Islam, I received religious education, and now my life is devoted to the promotion of Islam. My YouTube channel is also dedicated to this. I am trying to guide as many people as possible. Alhamdulillah...

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