This is a school in China where children are given power naps after lunch.

This is a school in China where children are given power naps after lunch.

 This is a school in China where children are given power naps after lunch. According to research, by taking a short nap in the afternoon, the physical and mental fatigue of a person is reduced, he becomes alert and his energy for further work increases. Apart from China, power naps are given during the day to increase the capacity of students and employees in many other countries. If we read the biography of the Holy Prophet, it is known that power naps were a part of his routine. The Hazrat Muhammed (PBUH) was given the greatest responsibility, and he worked on a vision that was all-encompassing and eternal (Ultimate & Universal Vision), but even then he did not abandon Qailaula. .  We have not made this sunnah a part of ourlifestyle,e but today's modern world is adopting Qailula Power Nap.

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