Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe and sleeping pills

Who does not know the famous American rock and roll singer, Elvis Presley? Elvis Presley was the heartthrob of girls in his youth and had a very attractive personality, but when he left the world at the age of just forty-two, his face and body lost that attractiveness. The reason is his addiction to drugs and tranquilizers.

During Elvis Presley's last twenty months, whenever he went on a show, he carried three suitcases of his medication, painkillers, and tranquillizers with him. According to a report, these suitcases contained twelve hundred pills and other medicines.

He became so addicted to drugs and these drugs that his body began to swell and when he left this world, his heart had doubled in size. What are forty-two years?

So is the story of Normagine, who we know as Marilyn Monroe. Hardly any other actor has achieved as much fame as Marilyn Monroe as a female actor. But what was the reason that she also passed away at the age of 36?

Marilyn Monroe has been searching for her father all her life. At the age of ten, her mother tried to kill her and herself in the bathroom tub, but Marilyn Monroe escaped. The mother was admitted to a mental hospital and Marilyn Monroe to an orphanage.

Marilyn Monroe was beautiful. Her pictures became famous, and then she entered into films. Marilyn Monroe had to do everything for the producers and directors that a beautiful girl has to do to get into the film industry.

Even with so much fame and wealth, she was not happy. In one scene during the shooting of her film, Marilyn Monroe blackmails the hero by placing a sharp instrument near his aorta. Even after the director cut the scene, she stood there with a gum blade in her hand in thought, and if maybe someone on the set didn't ask her if Marilyn RUOK? So she might have cut her own aorta thinking about her past. To cope with this mental stress, she started taking medicines and drugs and died of an overdose at the age of 36.

It is a waste of words to write something about the fame, honor, wealth, and status of Michael Jackson. He had so much money that he planned to build his own paradise and live forever, but then what happened? died of a drug overdose at the age of 50.

All three were seekers of peace. These three did not lack anything, but neither did they sleep at night nor were they tired during the day. According to Elvis Presley's autopsy report, the waste in his intestines was about four months old. He was suffering from severe constipation.

Similarly, rapper-singer Kanye West, who is now a billionaire, stayed at a clinic in Los Angeles for 9 days. agitation, mental confusion, and stress.

Why do people get so confused? Maybe it was because of the people around us; competition with each other, jealousy, greed, and a desire to achieve more, but these three had it all.

What will be the end of this peace? Let me repeat a story that many people have told. A painting competition was held at the Art Gallery of Paris titled "Sanction". Various painters created paintings with peace in mind. One presented the scene of the rising sun, while another depicted the sunset on the beach. An artist painted a picture of a boy walking around with his hand in a girl's hand, while another painted a picture of a black child playing football with a white child.

At the end of the competition, the judges selected one painting. Everyone was gathered in the hall, and everyone was waiting for the result. The painting, draped over the one that won the prize, was on stage. There was complete silence in the hall. Finally, a judge removed the cloth from the winning painting.

On seeing the picture, there was an uproar in the hall. Everyone started shouting that this picture had been awarded. It does not meet the title of comfort anywhere. People were rightly critical. What that painting was was just horizontal diagonal lines. That painting depicts a scene of chaos and destruction. There was a storm. People were running away. Lava was boiling from the mountain and a man was watching this scene from his window. The judges silenced people and started saying that you guys might not understand this painting.

Destruction, ruin, and desolation are shown everywhere in this painting, but I want to direct your attention to the person who is looking at this scene from the window of his house. What did you see in the person's eyes and face? People looked at the painting again and said peace. The judge said that this artist has painted the biggest truth of life on the canvas, and that is that peace is not found outside, but inside a person!

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