Honesty power ??

Honesty power ??

 Khadija Bint Qanah, the famous anchor and journalist from Algeria and the most popular in the Arab world, talks about her visit to America. She was waiting for her turn to pay at the counter after shopping in a supermarket. A hijab-wearing Muslim woman entered, carrying a large box. The box was probably a lawnmower. The signs of fatigue were visible on the woman's face.

The woman went to the cashier standing at the counter and politely said that this machine was bought from you yesterday along with other items for 500 dollars. Cashier: Do you want to return it? No, Muslim woman.

Cashier: If you have seen it being sold at a lower price in another store, then our policy is to give you the remaining amount, but for that you have to show proof of the price in the other store. The Muslim woman said that none of these reasons. Rather, I bought this machine from you yesterday along with other items, which were paid by credit card. Then I picked up this stuff and took it to my residence, which is about two hours away from here. But when I reached home and saw the bill, I came to know that you had charged me the price of other items, but you forgot to put the price of this machine.

Hearing this, the cashier employee got up and hugged the woman, and while trying to absorb the tears in her eyes, she said in an emotional tone, "What made you travel 4 hours and take a leave from work?" forced to

The Muslim woman said very simply that trustworthiness is And then she began to interpret Islamic teachings about trust in English.

Hearing this, the maid got up and went to the manger woman sitting in the glass cabin. We were not listening, but her expressions from her body language were telling us that she was saying something in a certain way. The maid paused. So the lady manager got up from her seat and came out. gathered all the store staff along with the customers. He started telling them about the trustworthiness of this Muslim woman. The Muslim woman stood silent. whose face was strewn with modesty shadows

After hearing this, the staff asked the Muslim woman questions about trust and honesty in Islam. The answers which he gave in the light of religious information were very discreet.

The manager lady offered to give the machine to the Muslim lady as a gift, which she politely declined, stating that the reward is more important to her than the machine.She paid the price and left the store with thanks. This incident was also seen by dozen

s of customers in the superstore who were looking at the lady wearing a hijab leaving the superstore with a heart-warming smile and an aura of faith. Khadija Bint Qanah says that after hearing and seeing this, she felt very proud to be a Muslim and left the supermarket after paying thanks. لاالہ الااللّہ محمدرسول اللّہ  After reading, if a person has two qualities, one: fear of ALLAH and two, good manners. Society values this person, and these two qualities can take a person to heaven after death. ALLAH willing,

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