Let us try to survive without doctors, but how? Islamic Medical Science

Let us try to survive without doctors, but how? Islamic Medical Science

Let us try to survive without doctors, but how? Islamic Medical Science

 Let us try to survive without doctors, but how? Islamic Medical Science

The Holy Qur'an says

The secret of human health is in 3 verses of the Quran. 
The most sensational research in human history is that by reading which we can avoid every disease
 Egypt's Dr. Imad Fahmy, a nutritionist and bariatric consultant, said in a TV interview that the secret of human health lies in three verses of the Qur'an: 
1. Eat and drink and don't overdo it (Al-A'raf verse 31) Eat and drink, but don't go overboard.
Explaining this, Dr. Fahmi says that most doctors forbid carbohydrates and fats even though these two things are fundamental to human health. 
The real thing that should be prohibited is transgression.
 2. And we made everything from salt (The Prophets, verse 30) And he created every living thing from water. Be sure to drink water whether you are thirsty or not. According to medical standards, everyone should drink 30 milligrammes of water for every kilogramme of their weight. For example, if a person weighs 70 kg, he should drink 70 x 30, or 2 litres and 100 grammes (approximately) 8 glasses of water per day.
It is very important for the good functioning of the liver, kidneys, and heart.
 3) And we fashioned the night into a garment.10 And we made the night a veil 11 (Al-Nabaa verse 10-11) And he made the night a veil and the day a time of sustenance. 
Dr. Fahmi says to sleep early at night and wake up early in the morning. This is the best recipe that won't make you fat or sick.

Jazak Allah

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