You stated at the start of the lecture that Allah has a standard and that He will not meet it.Then he said that according to your capacity, whether you are a scholar or an ignorant person, the question will be who is your Lord?

Answer: God will not come to your standard; it simply means that you should not mentally undermine God's status.
How would it be when the Prime Minister sits on his peon's chair?

 This may be tafanan, but can anyone seriously think that the president of the state will sit on the chair of the poor person while coming and make the poor person sit on his chair? It cannot be that you adjust the creative world, the unseen world, the witness, and the creator of the universes to the lowest position. This is not an ijtihad mistake. It is the worst mistake and the stupidest step that we take for the sake of Allah.

 You must at least mentally understand that Allah is your first priority.He has to be treated according to his status in this universe. While declaring his servitude, he should not consider anything bigger than that, so I am sure that, God willing, if you will remove this mistake from your mind, then the rest of the question will also be answered. will be eligible.

Ahmed Rafique Akhtar, Professor

2 istafsart
(Page No. 16-15)

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