A dialogue with an atheist PhD student.

A dialogue with an atheist PhD student.

A dialogue with an atheist PhD student.

A conversation with a PhD student.

My teacher asked me to talk to a student from Iran who had avowedly left Islam.

I referred him to Dr. and asked for an appointment.

The meeting took place and as soon as she found out that the matter was related to Islam, she said, "I have come here after seeing Islam in Iran for twenty-eight years. If you have come to talk about this Islam, then leave here with your Islam."

I said no, I have come to talk about the Islam that the Qur'an tells. Whatever exists in Iran and Saudi Arabia, I consider it Islamized.

She softened hearing this but said, I have accepted that I exist in the universe and the universe itself because of an accident.

I said, "Let's accept it, but why not talk about the universe and the signs in our souls that the Qur'an tells us to consider." If Allah is not found then why do you leave Islam alone, you will walk together. She agreed.

I said to him, have you ever thought why Allah says in the Quran that you cannot count even one of my blessings.

What a funny thing she said is a blessing. One is only one, who counts one? I did not know that there are so many funny things in the Quran.

I said let's count a blessing.

We are counting a blessing for one half hour from three days.


I said to that atheist Iranian girl, let me take your word for a while that your presence on this particular part of the universe, the earth, is an accident. Even if it is the religion of accident, you consider this life as a blessing, don't you?

She got a little confused and said, "I will say blessing, then you will say that there must be someone who gives the blessing, have you come up with this lame argument?"

I said why are you jumping to conclusions, you have forgotten that we are moving forward following your word that the universe and life is an accident. My question is very simple, are you happy that you got life because of this accident?

She said yes, this is a good coincidence. I asked again as if you consider life as a blessing anyway. She said yes, life is a blessing.

I was happy with his confession and said let's count this blessing now.

She smiled and said, "Now you are coming to the point of the Qur'an that you cannot count even a single blessing of Allah."

I said, "Wouldn't you be happy if you counted him and proved the claim of the Qur'an to be false and you found a friend in my form who would leave Islam and become your brother-in-law?"

He smiled and said, let's count this blessing again.

I said life is a reality that needs many essentials to sustain in the world, like oxygen, plants and water. Shouldn't we count these essentials of life in life itself?

She said yes, we assume that apart from these three, there are ten other things that are necessary for life, these are the ten essentials and this is a blessing. Now what to do with the claim of the Qur'an which says that you cannot count a blessing?

I said you are jumping to conclusions again. Now I have to talk about water and then about hundreds of other things that I know.

She laughed and said that our conversation will continue for the next few days.

I said, what does it matter if the dialogue continues for many years? We are looking for the reason we are here.

She said let's talk about water.

I said ok, now I will speak in twenty minutes.

Shaking his head, he opened his notebook and wrote a large heading, "Religious Nonsense," on a page and underlined it.

Then when he saw me looking at my writing, I looked down and said, I am ashamed, but I am proud. I am not dishonest. I will say what is in my heart.

I said, there is no need for shame, only honesty is needed. I am sure that you will process my words with the same honesty in your heart.

He said it would certainly be so. Now you can talk for twenty minutes, I will not interfere. I started speaking.

Look! Water is one of the essentials among thousands of millions or maybe billions of essentials of life which is a blessing.

Now, science has told that when the earth was formed, the amount of water that came into it from outside did not come after it.

The Qur'an also states that water came to the earth from outside.

But we will talk about this point later, write it in your notes and consider, when the world was created by accident and no more water came, then why didn't the water run out on the earth?

The reason for this is the ozone layer formed around the earth since the alleged accident, which not only prevents the deadly radiation from the sun from reaching the earth and ending life, but also prevents the water from escaping above a certain limit. Diti which evaporates from the oceans and is apparently lost.

If it were not for the ozone layer, the earth would run out of water.

The matter did not end here. When this water, which was brackish and not suitable for drinking or drought plants, rises, currents cause it to add nitrogen, which is essential for plants, and its salinity as it comes down through rain. Also goes on. What a beautiful accident it was that he took care of these details as well.

The matter is not over yet.

Since water is more than two-thirds of dry land, the amount of water that evaporates from the oceans is so high that if it all came down, the earth would sink.

The accident also ensured that a few percent of the steam would irrigate the barren land in the form of rain and the rest of the steam would clear up and come down in the form of snow. Let some of it melt so that the rest of the glaciers are preserved and continue to melt slowly and provide life with filtered water even in those days when there are no rains.

The question will arise in the mind that why is the sea water salty? If this was clear, there would be no need for other accidents to protect life.

Look! If the sea water was not salty, there would be no aquatic creatures that can survive only in salt water and their life would be very important for other life forms including humans.

Now see another charisma of the accident that the accident happened upon the accident to protect the life in the sea is that the water that came to the land by accident has the characteristic that when it freezes it comes up instead of down.

That is, the water from above that remained on dry land in the form of glaciers is saving life, the rest of the ice that fell on the sea stays on the surface of the water instead of sinking or going down.

That surface thickens in winter and in winter the cold does not allow it to sink into the water below where millions of creatures would not survive if the water cooled below a certain point due to the extreme cold outside.

There are so many amazing accidents that are constantly working together and there is no new accident that breaks the chain of accidents and breaks the frequency that, if changed even slightly, destroys all life on Earth. It's the last day.

As if in the accident there was also an accidental provision to avoid such an accident forever, so that the accidental life on earth would not be extinguished by an accident.

Look! This whole story started with the return of the water flying from the sky to our earth, and the sender of the religion that I have come to talk to you about is saying in the Qur'an that the sky that we created has this attribute. That he is going to return.

She who was listening with wide eyes said, "Wow, where is this written in the Qur'an?"

When that atheist girl teased me, I felt like I came out of the scene that was going on in my subconscious, considering it a blessing from Allah.

This was decided, wasn't it, you will keep writing your questions under the heading "Religious Nonsense" and you will ask in your turn. It is said to be a water-returner and from our discussion it is clear that life on earth could not have existed if ozone did not have water-returning properties. Then I got curious to see where in the Qur'an the feature of returning the sky is mentioned.

I showed him the eleventh verse of Surah al-Tariq, the translations of the Qur'an simply mean ``umma''. I showed her six different interpretations of the Qur'an and a dictionary, so she said yes, that's fine, so far you are presenting your case well. Let's see ahead.

I said but now you will keep writing questions and ask when your turn comes.

He nodded yes, so I continued my talk and said, "I can show you the ratio of water and drought in the Qur'an that exists on the earth at that time." If you want, add this point to your notes. We could talk more about water, but now that you've broken the cycle, why don't we move on to the accident that created this world.

She said, Well, I want to know about myself, why am I here, but if you want to go back, I don't mind, but first let me take pictures of the word interpretation of this verse.

She started taking pictures, so I asked, tell me, is your phone the latest?

That dialect is a few months old but close to the latest.

How many megapixels does its camera have, I asked. That bid is probably twelve megapixels.

I said, do you know that the accident that led to the creation of you and billions of people like you was so wonderful that it installed two cameras of five hundred and seventy-six mega pixels in your eyes, these cameras take pictures and send them to your brain. He can identify 107 million colors and other things in these images in a time that is less than a second that we cannot measure.

Not only did that accident happen, but that accident created twelve of the most complex systems in your body, the details of which we don't yet know, and all of which coincidentally work together to keep you alive. But we'll talk to you later, let's get to the initial crash first.

His brooding eyes were telling that he was at war with himself. She kept looking at me without saying yes.

I continued, "Has science determined the length and breadth of the universe?"

She said it is not possible.

I said I know because science now says that the universe is constantly expanding, the Qur'an said the same thing fourteen hundred years ago, note that I will give a reference.

Until the last century, the whole world, including the Bible, called the stationary sun a universal truth. The Quran said fourteen hundred years ago that all the stars and planets are moving in their designated orbits.

Now this is a matter of common sense, but imagine in the world of fourteen centuries ago, who could have thought this.

I saw her writing her questions.

I said, "You believe that fourteen billion years ago, this universe was created through an explosion. I will not ask that which formed more than two hundred and fifty billion galaxies, what was the explosion, what was the explosion before?" Was this the first and last explosion of its kind or did such accidents happen elsewhere? If I ask, how will you answer? Science does not know all this yet.

I want to draw your attention to the beauty of this accident. Look, trillions of suns were formed as a result of this spontaneous accident. Many earths were formed with every sun, then by accident our earth was also formed and by accident it started rotating around the sun and on its axis and also rotated at 23.5 degree inclination which if it was even half a degree less or more. Then there would be no life on earth.

But the agreement was accepted. Then another coincidence also happened that this earth began to rotate around its axis at a speed of 460 meters per second and around the sun at a speed of 100,000 kilometers per hour.

If there was a difference of even a few kilometers per hour between these two speeds, no trees would grow on earth and gravity would not be in its present proportions. To make human and plant life possible, the Earth's rotation speed would have to be exactly what it is.

Aren't you surprised at these coincidences?

She was completely silent. I continued talking and said, "Do you know that if the angle of inclination of the earth was even half a degree less or more, then the weather would not change on the earth, that is, there would be no life." Can you imagine how much this automatic accident of yours has done to create and protect the life you have considered a blessing?

I saw the moisture in his eyes and said that the water that is about to spill from your eyes will also discuss how the system of these tears was formed in your body by this accident to help life but first in your phone. Get out the calculator so I can show you how exactly the Qur'an describes the ratio of water and dryness on Earth that science has found out today.

Without saying a word, she opened the calculator app on her phone and looked at me.

I could tell by the expressions on her face that she had come to believe in Allah, but I was in no hurry. My aim has never been to add one more Muslim to the number of Muslims. I know that prophethood has ended with my Muhammad, peace be upon him, he completed the message of Allah and put it into practice. could not take

My Muhammad, peace be upon him, was sure that every generation would find those predecessors who would become their representatives and carry their message forward.

As many men and women as I accepted into Islam, I did so thinking that these people would represent the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who had been forgotten in the battle of the born Muslim sects. For this, it is necessary that the new converts to Islam should enter Islam with a mixture of true enthusiasm and gratitude.

That means I have to pile on more arguments before teaching him the word.

If faith is not accompanied by conviction, Muslims like Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman Ali, Aisha, and Fatima will not be born.


She said, "I believe you. This proves that the universe was not an accident, it was indeed created by a God."

The question is, how will you prove that the Qur'an was revealed to a person born in Makkah by the Allah you mentioned.

I said it only takes time to prove what you believe.

I will prove the fact that the Qur'an is the word of Allah in a minute with a simple bee.

She laughed loudly and said yes first day you were totally crazy to me. Looks like it, but now I have no doubt that you can't do it, but I want to hear.

I asked, tell me when your science will prove that honey is collected by the female bee and not the male bee.

She googled this information on her phone and after a while presented me with a research in this regard which explained it in detail.

I said I am not interested without taking the phone from him. Just tell me what scientific research has now known, how the Quran said fourteen hundred years ago that Allah revealed the method of making honey to the female bee.

Now the answer to my question is that two fourteen centuries ago who could have known the fact that honey is made by the female bee and not the male.

She was a PhD student.

Speak without hesitation. God

Then tell me where the female fly is written in the Quran.

I showed her the word فاسْلوكي she looked up the definition of this word on google then said yes that is the meaning.
It was evening time, I said let's go to the mosque. She said yes without wasting a moment. I called and asked the professor to come to the mosque as well, who asked me to meet this girl

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