A qualified manager with experience working in well-known superstores in the United Kingdom,

A qualified manager with experience working in well-known superstores in the United Kingdom,

 ALLAH sends customers to the shop. 

A qualified manager with experience working in well-known superstores in the United Kingdom, China, and Malaysia has agreed to work at Bin Dawood Superstores Makkah.
He was of British origin, and in the books of business management, he always learned to move forward by putting his competitors down. 
He served as Regional Manager in Makkah for some time. 
Meanwhile, he saw that a branch of a superstore with another name was getting ready to open right in front of his store. He thought that these people would come here and affect his sales, so he immediately submitted a report to the owners of Bin Dawood Superstores with some information, advice, and a plan for the future of the new superstore. Give suggestions: 
He got the biggest shock of his life when the owners asked him to store the goods of the employees of the new superstore, renovate the store, and take special care of their tea and water. 
To his surprise, the owners of Bin Dawood Stores said that they would bring their sustenance with them and our sustenance would be with us. 
If Allah wills, we cannot add a single rial to our written provision, nor can we subtract a single rial from the provisions of the new storekeepers.
So why don't we also earn a reward and create a pleasant atmosphere by welcoming the new businessman brother into the market-

The second incident is about the famous poultry company. The owner of Al-Faqih Poultry Company has also built a grand mosque (Masjid Al-Faqih) in Makkah. 
His rival company, Wataniya Chicken, was in debt of lakhs of riyals and came close to bankruptcy. 
When the owner of the Faqeeh company saw this situation, he sent a letter to the owner of his rival company and sent a check for more than one million Riyals. "Accept this money from me; if you need more money, tell me-don't worry about getting the money back-give it back when it's done -"
You can now see that billionaire Sheikh Al-Faqeeh had a rare opportunity to purchase Al-Wataniya Company, but he chose to financially support his most bitter rival.

Received Word: The two true stories mentioned above introduce you to the principles of Islamic trading.

Don't worry about any hostile company. If you do your work honestly and show kindness to someone, Allah Ta'ala will take your arm and lead you to the height of success. Remember, your sustenance is not more than pulling someone's legs. He will be blessed with what is his destiny. 
(Translated from Arabic)

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