When will the women of the West get their rights?

When will the women of the West get their rights?

 My children cannot proudly write their father's name with their name. In my society, the programme "Who is the father of this child?" In fact, I am the trash of my society where everyone focuses their attention on me. When will I be considered a human being? When will I be honored? When will I be married? How long will I wait for my children in the old house? When will I get my rights in this society?

When will the women of the West get their rights? 
I am beautiful, white, and attractive to everyone. I have so many qualities, yet why is there no one to marry me? Why am I being forced to have a girlfriend? Mutual understanding is considered necessary for marriage. First, spend time together; then you will see if you want to get married. Similarly, while you can have children, you cannot marry.I have to earn money and take care of my own expenses. I also have to do yoga, go to the gym, and take care of my health. Some people are a little fat or have bad health. They leave even when they are born. In the same way, many unknown people come into my life, give birth to children, and leave. My children do not know who their father is. I don't even know whose blood is running in the veins of my child. If the father of a child comes to meet his children, the rest of the children ask, "When will my father come?" Who is my father My children are deprived of their father's kindness.

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