How did you find ALLAH (God)?

How did you find ALLAH (God)?

 How did you find ALLAH (God)?

I asked the professor: "Professor, how did you find ALLAH (God)?"

He replied with the same satisfaction: "Only sincerely,

When I recognized ALLAH (God), I saw a saint spend forty years barefoot in the jungles to find Him, someone hanged upside down in a well and did wazifa, someone stood on one leg in the river and remembered Him. ...

So I prayed to my Lord, O Allah, if only physically strong people can remember you, then I may not be able to find you throughout my life, but if the weak have the same right to you, then I assure you. I will never change direction from you in life, I will fulfill my "commitment" to you, then I have found ALLAH (God).

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