If your heart is restless due to some problem, there is anxiety in it, then be sure that your Lord will soon do something

If your heart is restless due to some problem, there is anxiety in it, then be sure that your Lord will soon do something

 If your heart is restless due to some problem, there is anxiety in it, then be sure that your Lord will soon do something so that your heart will be satisfied. Just close your eyes for a while, bring all your deprivations and natural trials to your heart and ask Allah Ta'ala. 

In Allah's name, I am satisfied with you and the tests you have given. In whatever situation you put it, the eyes will shed tears but the tongue will not complain. I am satisfied with Allah; you should also be satisfied with me. " 
Even if you don't agree, watch it. Soon you will have such a blessing in your life that you will be truly satisfied. And the blind trust you place on people, once you place it on your Lord, then see and believe that he will not break your trust and will never let you break it. And even in the worst of situations, even after trying all your strategies, even if defeat is your destiny, then always have good faith in Allah. There is only one person who is able to keep the light burning in the darkness. He is the only one who gives peace to troubled hearts. He is the one who is in control of the world of hearts, whom he can turn over as he likes. Even if he leaves the whole world with him, he does not leave his servant alone. Then why this hopelessness and restlessness in his presence?

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