Being kind to parents And with the parents of Ihsaan — "And doing good to the parents."

Being kind to parents And with the parents of Ihsaan — "And doing good to the parents."

 Being kind to parents

And with the parents of Ihsaan — "And doing good to the parents."

  Be kind to parents 
Mentioning the rights of parents after describing the right of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is an argument that the greatest right of a person after Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, if there is any, is that of his parents. The first duty a person has in being kind to his parents is that of the parents who gave birth to him. Then comes the rank of all others. 
1-Real parents: mother and father 
2-Distant Parents: Grandparents, Grandparents 
3-in-law parents: mother-in-law, 4-spiritual parents: teacher

Being kind to parents includes being kind to them in word, deed, and position.

Being kind to parents through words involves talking to parents in a nice way.

Giving favour to parents through actions includes obeying parents, giving them wealth during life, and giving charity in their name if they are dead.

The example of Yusuf (peace be upon him) in favouring parents through office is that when he was given a high position in Egypt, he made his parents sit with him as a blocker. Similarly, if one is appointed to a high position, it involves showering the associated blessings on the parents.

Apart from these three types, any small or big action that falls under the category of kindness is the right of the parents.

The following are the different forms of kindness towards parents:

1-Obey your parents' orders2-Stop doing what your parents tell you to stop3-Spend money on your parentsFulfilling their wishes And if they want to spend the wealth somewhere, then give them the wealth for it. 
4-Emphasizing the service of parents 
5-Dealing with literature with parents 
6-Having fear in the heart for parents Do not stare at them and keep your eyes down in front of them. 
7-Do not call parents by their name. Using words that are known for eliciting cultural responses
8-Following the parents 
9-If the parents are asked to do something that the children do not like, to be patient with it.10-Being gentle with parents 
11-Praying for parents 
12-Being eager to get the pleasure of parents 
13-Do not raise your voice above the voice of your parents. 
14-Do not look down on parents. 
Don't show the favour of obeying your parents. 
16-Not using difficult words in front of parents that they do not know 17-Do not laugh at parents 
19-Do not look at your parents with anger. Do not abuse parents21-Do not wipe your clothes in front of your parents so that dust does not fall on them21-Asking for forgiveness for parents after death 
22.-Giving charity to parents after death

  Be kind to parents who do not obey Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

Once, Abdullah bin Salul behaved rudely towards the Messenger of Allah, upon which his son became very angry. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to his son, "Do good to him and treat him with kindness."

We have work to do*Adopt all forms of kindness towards your parents.

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