It is not possible and not necessary to see ALLAH in this world.

It is not possible and not necessary to see ALLAH in this world.

 It is not possible and not necessary to se

e ALLAH in this world. Even air is not visible, but what is the state of air which is not felt?

Don't you feel the morning dew, dew, light cold air? Don't you feel the poisonous wind blowing in the deserts? Don't you feel their difference? Don't you feel the hot, scorching, sunstroke-giving heat?

When the wind makes you feel all its effects, even though you can't see them. Whether you see it or not, ALLAH gives you His fullness. Whoever strives for it, ALLAH gives them permanent and enduring senses.

Ahmed Rafique Akhtar, Professor

Page 27 of the Bast-o-kasad.

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