whats a black Holes???

whats a black Holes???

 Black holes Black Holes

The Quran tells us about black holes fourteen hundred years ago. 
Black holes are mentioned in "Surah Tariq" and "Surah Al-Akhbaat" and the word "Tariq" is called black holes in today's scientific language.
 Science today has so far discovered two black holes named S50014+18 and 500-XTEJ1650. 
While the Qur'an has stated in "Surah Mominin" that their total number is seven, And the Qur'an has also described black holes as the places where stars sink, which science has not reached yet. 
"Qur'an" has also mentioned that there are more universes like this one. which were named the seven balanced heavens in "Surah Nuh". And today, science believes that there are many other universes like this, which are completely balanced with this universe. In scientific terms, it is called "parallel universes. And from the "Qur'an", we know that these black holes are the way to go from one world to another. But it cannot be crossed without lightning speed, and building a ride with lightning speed is still an impossible task for humans. Black holes have been crossed by only one ride that is "Baraq", i.e., made of lightning. which means "fast as lightning. The ride on which Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) rode in the "Night of Miraj".

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