Respect for women. 

I emphasise the respect of women in all my writings. Because a woman only asks for respect and trust and, in return, she dedicates everything to you. 
If a woman is in the form of your wife, she wants love, trust, and respect. If you go home on a daily basis, So greet your wife with love once you go home. Smile at her and be kind to her if she wants to say something. So listen to it patiently and lovingly. He should also be respectful of his family.So I assert that no force in the world can destroy your relationship and love.Make the woman believe you are hers.A woman needs trust, time, respect, and protection from a man. In return, she gives her soul. 
In Islam, a woman is not looked down upon, but she is given respect and love in every form of mother, sister, wife, and daughter. 
Respect women not only on the internet but everywhere. 
I want a girl who is only mine and I want to be only her who wants my attention and I want to give all my time to her who will suffer without me and I will never let her suffer. 
I never leave him alone when I am angry, and I never let tears fall into his eyes.
A girl who prays to Allah for me and who holds my hand and smiles with me. 
Let me make her my honour by marrying her, and let her always protect my hono

Even if she is older than me, if she is fat, if she is tan, I will make her my queen. 
A girl who is broken, who forgot to live. I will teach her to live again. I will honour her I will cherish her. I will make her my honor. I will protect her. I wish to find such a girl and make her my honor.

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