Find yourself in the Holy Quran. very interesting and educational

Find yourself in the Holy Quran. very interesting and educational

 Find yourself in the Holy Quran. very interesting and educational

Where am I in the Quran? 
One Jalil-ul-Qadr Tabi and the Arab chief Ahnaf Bin Qais were sitting one day when someone recited this verse. 
We have sent down to you a book in which you will be remembered (Surah Anbiya 10). 
(Translation) "We sent down to you a book in which you are mentioned. Do you not understand?" 
He was shocked and said, "Just bring the Holy Quran." In it, I search for my profile and see who I am with and who I resemble. 
He opened the Holy Qur'an, and it passed by some people, who were praised for it. 
If they were few from Allah, what would they seek? And with witchcraft, they ask for forgiveness. And in their wealth is the right of the poor and the deprived (Al-Zurayt, 19-17, 18). 
(Translation) "They used to sleep for a small part of the night, and used to ask for forgiveness at dawn, and the beggar and the non-beggar (both) had a right to their wealth." 
Some other people were seen who had the same situation. 
They turn away from their beds, they call upon their Lord in fear and greed, and they spend what they have provided (Sajdah. 16). 
(Translation) "Their sides are separated from the scorpions (and) they call upon their Lord with fear and hope." And they spend what we have given them. 
Some other people were seen who had the same situation. 
Those who dwell in the presence of their Lord prostrate and stand (Al-Furqan. 64).
"And those who spend the night in prostration before their Lord and standing (with great manners)." 
And some people appeared who are mentioned in these words: 
Those who spend in good and evil, and those who turn away from anger, and those who are free from people, and God loves those who do good (Al-Imran. 134) 
(Translation) "Those who spend (their wealth in the way of God) in comfort and hardship, and restrain anger and forgive people's faults, God loves the righteous." 
And some people were found whose condition was this. 
And they influence themselves, even if they have a characteristic. 
(Translation) "(And) they put others before their own lives, even if they themselves are in need, and the person who is saved from selfishness, then such people are the ones who will get their wish." 
and visited some people whose morals were like this. 
And those who are guilty of great wrongdoing and those who are angry, they forgive (Al-Shura. 37). 
"And those who abstain from major sins and indecency, and forgive when they are angry." 
And some were mentioned like this. 
And those who responded to their Lord and established the prayer, He commanded them to confer and spend what they had provided (Al-Shura. 38).
(Translation) "And those who accept the command of their Lord and pray, and do their work in consultation with each other and spend from what we have given them." 
They were stunned when they reached here and said: "O Allah, I am aware of my situation. I am not seen anywhere among these people!" 
Then they took another route. Now they saw some people whose situation was like this. 
And when it was said to them, 'There is no god but Allah,' they became arrogant and said, ``Why did you leave our people for mad poetry?'' (Surah Safat, 35, 36) 
"It was their condition that when it was said to them that there was no god but God, they used to be proud, and they used to say," Are we going to abandon our gods because of the words of a mad poet? 
Then he encountered those whose condition was this: and when the remembrance of Allah alone, the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter are troubled. 
And when God alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter become constricted, and when others besides Him are mentioned, their faces open. 
Others passed by and, when asked,( 47–42) 
(Translation) "Why did you fall into hell?" They will reply that we did not offer prayers and did not feed the poor, and we used to make agreements with those who make false statements about the truth, and we used to call the daily recompense a lie, until we were confronted with this certainty. 
On reaching here, he stood still for a while. Then he put his hands on his ears and said: "O Allah! Take refuge from these people! I am free from these people. 
He was turning over the pages of the Holy Qur'an, and was searching for his Tezrik, until he stopped at this verse: 
And others confessed their sins, mixing up a good deed with a bad one. 
"And there are some other people who have a (clear) confession of their sins; they mixed up good and bad deeds; it is near that God will pay attention to them with mercy. Indeed, God is forgiving and merciful. " 
On this occasion, his tongue came out spontaneously, "Yes, yes! This is definitely my situation!! 
So which people are we..? 
I will think!!

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