My mother is my heaven

My mother is my heaven

 He was unable to visit the Holy Prophet MUHAMMAD(S.A.W.), but he regretted not being able to do so...

She was an old mother, and her service prevented you from seeing the Holy  Prophet. 
On the other hand, the Holy Prophet used to turn towards Yemen and say that I can smell the scent of my friend from Yemen. He has an old and blind mother, whom Owais serves a lot, and he cannot leave his old mother alone. 
Speaking to Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Ali, he said that in your time there will be a person whose name will be Owais bin Amir. He will be of medium height, his colour will be black, and he will have a white spot on his body. When he comes, both of you should ask him to pray because Owais has served his mother in such a way that whenever he raises his hand to pray, Allah never rejects his prayer. 
Hazrat Umar was the Caliph for ten years, and every year he used to go to Hajj to search for Hazrat Owais Qarani, but he could not find Owais. Once, Hazrat Umar gathered all the pilgrims in the field of Arafat and asked all the pilgrims to stand up. Then he said that everyone should sit down and only the Yemenis should stand, so they all sat down and only the Yemenis stood. Then he said, "All the people of Yemen should sit down; only the Murad tribe should stand. He said, "Do you know Owais?" So this person said, "Yes, I know he is my brother's son. You asked where Owais is? So this person said that he had gone to Arafat to graze camels. He took Hazrat Ali with him and ran towards Arafat. When he reached there, he saw twenty-one people praying under a qarni tree and camels grazing all around. Both of you came and sat down and waited for Hazrat Awais Qarni to finish his prayer. When Hazrat Owais returned the greeting, Hazrat Umar asked, "Who are you, brother? Hazrat Owais Qarni said, "I am the servant of Allah." Then Hazrat Umar said, "All are servants of Allah, but what is your name?" So Hazrat Owais said, "Who are you? Hazrat Ali said that this is Ameerul Momineen Umar bin Khattab and I am Ali bin Abi Talib. 
Hazrat Owais had to hear that he began to tremble and say, "Yes, I am sorry. I did not know you. I have come for the first time on Hajj." Hazrat Umar said that you are Owais. So he said yes, I am Owais. Hazrat Umar said that he raised his hands and prayed for us. He started crying and said, "Should I pray?" You are the chief and I am your servant. I shall pray for you. Then Hazrat Umar said that yes, the Prophet of Allah (PBUH) had ordered that whenever Owais came, he should be made to pray. Then Hazrat Awais Qarni prayed for both of them. 
The Prophet ( ) said that when people are walking to Paradise, Hazrat Owais Qarni will walk alongside them, and Allah will say, "Let the others go, and stop Owais."Then Allah Almighty will say, "Look back. When you look back, there will be millions and billions of hell-bound people standing behind you. Then God will say, 'Oh, one good deed of yours has made me very happy.'" Mother's service "Then by pointing the finger, wherever your finger moves, I will enter your children into heaven." 
Subhan Allah .

My mother is my heaven. 
May Allah make us serve our parents too. Amen, Amen. 
And those whose parents or one of them is not, make them continue to give charity to their parents.

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