Why is it forbidden to eat pork?medical science and islam

Why is it forbidden to eat pork?medical science and islam

 Why is it forbidden to eat pork?


Allah says

Forbidden to you is the dead, the blood, and the flesh of the pig, and what I have eaten other than Allah. 
He has forbidden you to eat dead animals, blood, swine flesh, and anything that invokes the name of anyone other than Allah.

In another place, it is said:

  For those who are in need in Makhamsa Ghair Mutjaanif for sin, then Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. 
On you is a dead animal and (flowing) blood and the flesh of a pig, and anything that invokes the name of anyone other than Allah, and an animal that dies of strangulation, and an animal that dies of an injury, and one that falls and dies, and all these are forbidden, and the animals that are torn apart by wild animals are forbidden. But whoever you slaughter (before death) and the animal slaughtered at the slaughterhouse, as well as knowing the fortune from the side, are all sins (acts).Do not fear and fear Me, for we have perfected your religion for you, completed our favours upon you, and made Islam a religion for you on this day.If you are not inclined, Allah is forgiving and merciful.

Another place says:

Say: Among the commandments that have been revealed to me, there is nothing that is forbidden for the eater to eat except a dead animal, or flowing blood, or pork, which are all impure, or something sinful that Allah The name of someone else has been taken. 
So eating pork is haram because Allah has made it haram. There is no room for words on this. Yes, we can mention some wisdom and reasons for this.
 Prohibition of pork is prohibited not only in the Holy Qur'an but also in the Bible; see Leviticus. chapter 11, verse 8
If we do a chemical analysis of pigs, we will know that their meat in any form is extremely harmful to human health. According to medical science, the use of pork increases the risk of various diseases in the human body because the pig's body also acts as a host for many parasites. In addition, pork contains dangerous amounts of cholesterol, lipids, and uric acid. Biochemistry of pig blood reveals that only 2% of the total uric acid in the pig's body is excreted as waste, while 98% remains as a major component of the blood. Is.
. In Islam, the consumption of not only pork meat but also the meat of all animals that eat their own waste or that of another animal is prohibited.


Science tried to find some of the reasons for the prohibited things in the Islamic Shari'ah, which the followers of the Shari'ah practised for centuries before the discovery of the microscope. Dead in order, bacteria (cuts) grow from it, blood, its cuts grow rapidly and abundantly, and lastly, pigs (pigs) in whose bodies all the diseases and filth accumulate, and any kind of cleanliness. For example, there is a plant called Haloof that contains insects, bacteria, and viruses that it transmits to humans and animals. It's also unique in some pigs, such as TRCHINELLA) and (Balantidium Dysentery) and (Taenia Solium) and (Spiralis).And some of them have many diseases that are common among humans. And (fasciola), there are influenza germs inside the worm. Diseases such as (ASCARIS) and stomach snakes (Fasciolopsis buski) (Pacific Ocean) appear in epidemic form.As for Balantidiasis, There are many in China. And it resulted in the spread of swine excrement on an inland island by pig breeders and their associates. And this disease is artificially found in developed countries where pigs are found. While they claim that they try to control its impurities through modern techniques, especially in Germany, France, the Philippines, and Venezuela, its meat is forbidden without a certificate, and pork muscle is forbidden. In the case of meat consumption

gets sick. Due to which, a sound starts coming out of the woman's stomach and worms are born, the number of which is ten thousand. Then these worms are transferred to the muscles of a person through the blood and they experience the form of diseases. 
The disease is caused by eating the muscles of sick pigs. And the worm starts growing inside the intestines of the human being, which is sometimes seven metres long. The thorny head of this plant causes great difficulty in the intestinal walls and blood flow. And it has four four-pointed beaks and a neck, which gives rise to beaked insects that have a permanent existence, numbering up to a thousand, and each time a thousand eggs are produced and the food involved in the eggs. in the form of food (Taenia Solium). 
The disease is caused when worms are produced and transmitted in the bloodstream and become a cause of danger.

There are numerous scientific and medical problems with the meat of pork or pork. Some of which are the following One of the dirtiest animals is the animal that eats everything dirty, including urine and feces. Scientific research proves that food has a direct effect on the body.

#2. Due to the ability of pork to absorb toxins in its meat and fat, its meat and fat contain 30 times more toxins than the meat of other animals. As if this meat is 30 times more toxic than normal meat.

#3. A pig is so poisonous that even a snake bite does not kill it. Sometimes the pig farm keepers release the pigs near the dens of the dragons so that the dragons leave the area.

#4. The speed of decomposition of pork meat is 30 times higher than that of normal meat. That is, meat from pigs gets bugs much faster than normal meat. As an experiment, put a piece of chicken or beef and a piece of pork in an open place and see which meat has the smell and insects.

#5. A pig spends its whole life in dirt and filth; that is, it is not disgusted by dirt. The same disorder is also created in the one who eats the meat of the pig. "Man wants to satisfy this passion without distinguishing between what is forbidden and what is halal."

#6. The boar is an extremely rude animal. There is no difference between a male and a female for sexual satisfaction. This characteristic can be easily seen in the society that eats it.


It is hoped that if we tell the above facts to the minds with modern scientific thinking and then tell them about the orders of sanctity of pigs in the Holy Qur'an, then surely the heart and mind and the interest of the president will be willing to comply with these orders. Allah Almighty


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