What is added to food and other consumables?

What is added to food and other consumables?

 What is added to food and other consumables?

Multinational companies from Europe and America are feeding pork fat to Muslims. Most bakery items, including biscuits and cakes, toothpaste, shaving cream, chewing gum, chocolate, toffee, and corn flakes, as well as many canned goods, contain lard as an ingredient.

There are forty-two thousand pig farms in France alone, where pigs are raised and raised. Because pigs have a lot of body fat, companies usually burn the fat to get rid of it. Then, as these companies gradually came under Jewish management or ownership, they began using pig fat to make soap after World War II. After that, it was mixed into shaving cream, and after some time, pig fat was melted and added to women's beauty products (makeup) such as cold cream, nail polish, etc. started using

Under international trade law, all products sold must list the ingredients on the package. In the beginning, "PIG FAT" was written on the box or wrapper. But some people drew the attention of the managers of these companies to the fact that Muslims consider pigs impure and strictly forbidden. So companies started writing "ANIMAL FAT" instead of "PIG FAT" on the packet. When asked by the Muslim world, what kind of animal (animal) fat do you use? So they replied, using their slyness, that cow and sheep fat are used in these things.

When this deception became apparent, multinational corporations began writing a special secret code "E CODE" on the packaging of food products instead of the words pig fat (PIG FAT) and animal fat (ANIMAL FAT).began writing with the nameTherefore, the codes from E-100 to E-904 on the packaging of products refer to pig fat (PIG FAT). Apart from this, the composition of medicinal capsules and tablets includes "Gelatin". Gluten is a substance obtained from the faeces of pigs, dogs, or donkeys. Gluten is also used in baby food desserts.

The chemicals cochinal and carmine are used to colour various food and drink items. It is obtained by crushing insects (crushed insects) from their extracts. Most English medicinal syrups, which have a red color, are made red by adding crushed extracts of the same insect. To indicate and express the nature of the color, their formulas are frequently followed by the words "CARMINERED" at the end of the list of other medicinal ingredients, and sometimes by the words "COCHINAL."Apart from medicines, the same colour is used to make various fruit juices coloured and sold, as well as to make ice candies, shaved ice, etc.

The same E-120 or CARMINE dye is used to colour gelatin capsules while making them. It is also used in food colouring used in confectionery to make edible sugar tablets colourful and palatable. The colourful marmaras made from rice and fried in ghee or oil are also prepared with this colour mixture.

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