Why was one marriage ordered for a woman?

Why was one marriage ordered for a woman?

Why was one marriage ordered for a woman?

Medical science was also forced to support the orders of Islam. 
A Jewish embryologist (who was also a religious scholar) openly says that there is no woman of any religion on earth more pure and clean than a Muslim woman.

The whole incident is that Albert, a Jewish embryologist attached to the Albert Einstein Institute, announced his acceptance of Islam, the only reason for which was the familiarity with the order of the Ummah mentioned in the Qur'an and the wisdom behind the three-month limitation for the Ummah. Familiarity is the command of Allah.
"And the absolutes will recite among themselves three verses [Al-Baqarah: 228] "
Abstain yourself for three periods."

This verse paved the way for the discovery of DNA, an amazing modern science, and the discovery that the protein in a man's semen is 62% different from that of another man, and that a woman's body is like a computer when a man has intercourse. If he does, the woman's body absorbs and stores all the bacteria from the man.

Therefore, immediately after divorce, if a woman marries another man or develops physical relations with several people at the same time, many DNAs accumulate in her body, which take the form of dangerous viruses and enter the body. It causes life-threatening diseases. 
Science researches that 32 to 35% of protein is lost after one menstruation after divorce, and 67 to 72% of a man's DNA is lost by the second menstruation, and 99.9% is eliminated in the third menstruation and then the uterus. The old DNA is cleared and ready to accept the new DNA without any side effects or damage.

A prostitute has relations with many people, due to which bacteria from different men enter her womb and different DNA accumulate in her body, and as a result, she becomes a victim of fatal diseases.

And the Idda of the deceased Anha is more than that of a divorced woman, because due to grief and sadness, the previous DNA does not disappear quickly and it needs more time to end than before, excluding this. For such women, four months and ten days of Idda have been prescribed.
"And those who call from you and Yazir...


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