benefits of Pomegranate is one of the most health-beneficial fruits available in the world and is also known as the fruit of heaven.

benefits of Pomegranate is one of the most health-beneficial fruits available in the world and is also known as the fruit of heaven.

 Pomegranate is one of the most health-beneficial fruits available in the world and is also known as the fruit of heaven.

This fruit contains a large number of phytochemicals that are not found in other foods.

Research reports have shown that the habit of eating pomegranates has many benefits for the body, which can reduce the risk of various diseases.

Pomegranates are commonly available nowadays, so knowing their benefits, you will also be compelled to try this fruit.

It is high in a variety of essential nutrients.
One cup (174 grams) of pomegranate seeds contains 7 grammes of fiber, 3 grammes of protein, 30% of the daily value of vitamin C, 36% of the daily value of vitamin K, and 16% of the daily value of folate.percent and provides 12% of the daily potassium requirement

One cup of pomegranate seeds also contains 24 grammes of sugar and 144 calories, but beyond that, the fruit contains a number of powerful botanical compounds.

2 of the Most Powerful Botanical Compounds in Pomegranates 
This fruit has 2 unique ingredients that make it very beneficial for health.

One of them is punicalagins, an antioxidant compound found in the juice and peel of this fruit.

It is so potent in pomegranate juice that it stimulates 3 times more antioxidant activity than green tea.

Similarly, punicic acid, present in pomegranate seed oil, is the main fatty acid of this fruit that activates the biological effects.

Anti-inflammatory properties 
Chronic inflammation is the root cause of many serious diseases, including heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's, and obesity.

The anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranates are due to the antioxidant properties of the compound punicalagins in them.

Test-tube research reports that pomegranates can reduce inflammation in the esophagus.

In a 12-week study of diabetic patients, drinking 250 mL of pomegranate juice daily reduced the inflammation-causing elements by 30 to 32%.

If you want to reduce edema, pomegranates will be a wonderful addition to your diet.

Possible help in fighting bladder cancer 
Bladder cancer is the most common type of cancer in men.

Laboratory research reports indicate that pomegranate extract can slow the growth of cancer cells and even kill them.

Furthermore, a human study found that drinking 237 ml of pomegranate juice per day increased the doubling time of bladder cancer antigens from 15 months to 54 months.

If the rate of this antigen doubles in a short period of time, the risk of death from bladder cancer increases.

A follow-up study found similar positive effects.

Also potentially beneficial in the treatment of breast cancer
Breast cancer is becoming more common in women, and pomegranate extract can help in the reproduction of breast cancer cells.

But the evidence in this regard is so far limited to laboratory research reports and further research is needed for confirmation.

Decreased blood pressure 
High blood pressure also increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

A study found that drinking 150 ml of pomegranate juice daily for 2 weeks significantly reduced blood pressure in hypertensive patients.

Similar effects were discovered in other research reports.

It is also helpful in fighting joint pain. 
There are different types of joint diseases, most of which result from inflammation of the joints.

The botanical compounds in pomegranates have anti-inflammatory properties that can help in the treatment of joint diseases.

Laboratory research reports suggest that pomegranate extract can block enzymes that cause joint damage in people with arthritis.

But research in humans is still limited in this regard, and more research is needed.

Reduce your chances of developing heart disease.
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of premature death in the world.

Punicic acid in pomegranates is the primary fatty acid in this fruit that may provide protection against heart disease.

A study of 51 people with high triglycerides found that consuming 800 milligrammes of pomegranate seed oil daily significantly reduced triglycerides.

Triglycerides are a type of fat in our blood. Increasing the amount increases the risk of heart disease.

Another study on type 2 diabetes patients found that drinking pomegranate juice reduced the level of harmful cholesterol.

Animal and human research reports have found that pomegranate juice protects against harmful cholesterol particles, which increase the risk of heart disease.

Similarly, a study found that pomegranate juice lowers high blood pressure levels, which also reduces the risk of heart disease.

It is helpful in fighting bacterial and fungal infections. 
The botanical compounds in pomegranates are also helpful in fighting harmful microbes.

For example, this fruit has been shown to be resistant to some types of bacteria.

The antibacterial and antifungal properties are also likely to protect against mouth ulcers and infections.

Improve memory. 
There is also some evidence that pomegranates improve memory.

One study found that 2 grammes of pomegranate extract prevented negative effects on memory after surgery.

Another study of 28 elderly people with memory problems found that drinking 237 ml of pomegranate juice daily significantly improved memory.

Research reports on mice have also indicated that pomegranates are a fruit that is helpful in fighting Alzheimer's disease, but research in humans is needed in this regard.

Improve physical performance for exercise. Pomegranates contain several nutrients that improve physical performance for exercise.

One study found that consuming one gramme of pomegranate extract 30 minutes before exercise significantly improved blood flow, delaying the feeling of fatigue and increasing exercise efficiency.

More research is needed, but it appears that pomegranates may be beneficial for physical performance.

Also potentially beneficial for male reproductive health, tetanus affects blood flow, including to the reproductive system.

A study of 53 men with erectile dysfunction found that eating pomegranates did provide some benefit, but it was not significant, so more research is needed.

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