I will be back

I will be back

 I Will Be Back.

A lot of people told me that you couldn't do it. You're a pando living in Austria. You can't go to America and become a world champion. And when I became a world champion, I expressed my intention to act in Hollywood. Many people laughed. Have you seen your size? People of this size cannot become actors. The actors are from Maluk. And when I became Hollywood's number one star and my films started earning the most money in the world, I thought of becoming a politician and the audience laughed. They burst out laughing. You look like a robot, you can't speak English, and you're going to contest the governorship election? No restrictions on dreaming. Thank you to all the people who assured me that I'm not going to fail even though I'm in the world. The eighth largest economy, became the governor of the US state of California.

One of the world's most recognisable faces, Arnold Schwarzenegger, was telling the story of his life in his distinctively husky Austrian-accented English.

The hall of the Lancaster Hotel was packed on the cold evening of November in London. And people were sweating because they were going to see Arnold Schwarzenegger, the most famous person in the world, who had three different fields. After winning the title of Mr. Universe at the age of 20, he was selected as Mr. Olympia seven times. When he entered the field of acting, he showed the essence of acting in the most successful films in the world during his time. I landed. So he was elected governor of the richest state in the union, California, twice in a row. In 1947, he was fascinated by the surprising success of a Pando born in Austria, a poor country in Eastern Europe, and today he wants to hear his story from his own mouth. I saw a few people dressed in costumes from some of his most famous films. Arnold's magic spoke volumes. As soon as he took the stage, there was a stir. The 67-year-old actor and politician looked fifteen years younger than his age in a dark navy blue suit.

When I was fifteen years old, I came across an American magazine with a picture of the then bodybuilding champion. It just makes my sleep forbidden. I started dreaming day and night in this backward town in Austria that I was on the stage like this world champion. However, I didn't just dream but started running for hours every day and started exercising too, without knowing which exercise might be suitable for me. My father was a strict police officer who wanted to get me married as soon as possible and get me into the army. And for him, my dream world was a So when I turned 18, he talked to his army buddies and got me drafted into the army as a tank driver. Arnold recounted his past.

"As soon as I arrived in the army, my running doubled. I used to work hard all day, dig trenches, do exercises. When I came back exhausted at night, I would secretly put two chairs in a corner and try to sit down. The only chance I had to sacrifice my sleep, so I preferred to sacrifice rest instead of sacrificing my dream. In those times, the name of bodybuilding was not even heard, and there was no question of any career in this regard. There was only one thing in me. I was sure that I was going to be the world champion. In my dreams, every day I was standing on the stage in America doing Mr. World poses, and in the real world I was cleaning the tank. However, I used to do all kinds of work in the hope of getting some muscles. One day, my passion led me to run away from my unit and participate in a championship. I became the junior champion, but on my way back I was caught and put in solitary confinement. I would take out thousands of sticks and do sit-ups. Whatever was happening to me, good or bad, was whipping my passion. Even so, there was a day when I managed to get out of the army and reach America when I was 21 years old. Arnold wrote the number 21 in the air and then paused.

Then, for the next twenty minutes, he recounted his early days in America; how he worked as a laborer, working in a blacksmith shop, fighting for every dollar to pay for bodybuilding. There was also an agreement to sleep in buildings and train stations. Then he knew only two words of English. And since there was no education, there was no question of getting any kind of job. "In all these dark nights. My dream was safe, and that was to become the world's greatest bodybuilder. This dream was running like sparks in my veins, and no other problems in the world affected me. Then one day, my dream came true in 1969. I managed to win the title of Mr. Olympia for the first time. Arnold's tone was full of pride; of course he deserved it.

"Then he got lost in the details of his arrival in films and politics." Sometimes people ask me what the secret of your success is. I have all the defects that make people not successful. I didn't have a cleft palate. I had no education. I couldn't even speak English well, and despite all these handicaps, I managed to make it to the list of the most successful people in America. I believed in my dreams. Even in this anonymous town in Austria, I knew I was going to make it to America. Every day, I played that movie in my head and saw myself doing everything I wanted to do. What I could do only in my dreams. One day, all those dreams turned into reality just because I believed in my dreams. And if you don't believe in your dreams, no one around you will believe in you. will keep

The second key to success, I'll tell you, is to break the rules. Wait, I'm not talking about breaking the rules, I'm talking about breaking the way things are usually done. I invented something, found something, made a new discovery, and was told that it doesn't happen, it can't be done, and the world is in better condition today because there were people who broke the rules. can not be obtained. If you are larger than the circle, draw a new circle and prove that you have a tail.

The third trick is to always be prepared to fail. The truth is that failure or success is nothing more than a mental thought. If so, then this ghost can't harm you. Most people in life do not regret failing because they failed in their efforts, but they regret the things that they could not do because of the fear of failure.

The fourth trick is very difficult, and that is to refuse to get on your nerves when people tell you what you can't do, no matter how sincerely they want to play the role of speedbreaker in front of you. Let them succeed. They may really want your best, but don't make theirs a wall for you because the wall is only as high as your courage. When you are told what you can't do, you write it down in your diary so that you can find new ways to do the same thing.

The fourth kidney is to make your blood sweat by pushing it from the heel to the top. Keep in mind that this is the most important kidney. No kidney will function properly until the waves are bigger than masti. I am not talking about a hobby, but a passion. I am reminded of the great boxer Muhammad Ali. Someone asked him: How many push-ups do you do? So he said, "I count when I'm tired. I count when the pain squeezes my body. That's the sign of a champion that he knows how to endure pain. "

It is important to give back. Give people a piece of what God has given you, give encouragement, give way; even all the world's successes cannot replace what you will do for people for no reason.The greatest happiness in the world is found when, once you have tasted it, you will never forget it.

When the ceremony was over, Arnold was surrounded by a crowd of people taking pictures. People with smiling faces seemed eager to shake hands with him or talk to him. The effects of years of austerity were still there. I asked Arnold to take a selfie, and he leaned in front of my phone, smiling. After taking the picture, I made a punch, mimicking his thunderous voice, and said his most famous line from his movies, "I'll be back." He smiled spontaneously and said, "Anyone who knows how to get up when they fall down always gets up." can come back into the game and win the game. "Anyone Can Be Back".

(Extracted from the author's book "I'm Possible," 10th edition)

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