"Mentally slave girls!"

"Mentally slave girls!"

 "Mentally slave girls!" 

A few days ago, a girl contacted me and asked, "Brother, I have been in a relationship with a boy for three years." 
He always promised me to be with me and marry me. But now when the time of marriage has come, he says that my family will never marry me to you under any circumstances. That's why I can't marry you. but I adore youWhat happens if marriage is not for me? It is up to me to cope. That's why I will be with you for the rest of my life without getting married. I will never leave you. Brother, living together without a marriage is beyond my understanding. 
That's why I have told him clearly that if you can't get married, don't have any kind of relationship with me. But even though I told him a thousand times, he was not leaving me. He says I can't leave you. I am tired of explaining. What should I do? 
 My answer : 
I think a girl who tells a boy to leave me is probably unaware that it is always the woman who leaves the man, not the man. A man has also left a woman. Remember, a man may disappear from a woman's life for a few days, months, or years, but he cannot leave a woman forever. One thing to be noted here is that men who use women out of lust are not mentioned here. They only fulfil their purpose and then look for another. I am talking about true and pure love here. 
Because he makes every woman in his life, whom he truly loves as his wife or not, but makes her a part of his harem in the name of friendship, love, or companionship. So that his harem remains. That boy is right that he will never leave you. Because you have to decide whether you want to live in his harem without marriage or not. Instead of explaining it to him, explain it yourself. 
What is left behind when that guy is saying with his own mouth that he can't marry you? As a result, avoid all contact with him.Leave his harem as soon as possible. Because only mentally enslaved girls like to live in someone's harem without marriage.

Written by Saddam Hussain.

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