What is depression? Solution?

What is depression? Solution?


What is depression? 
Depression is a very dangerous disease that is not visible. According to an estimate, 300 million people suffer from this disease in the whole world. And this disease is more common in women than in men. And 15 out of every hundred people suffer from this disease. are victims of Timely treatment of this disease is very important.

Symptoms of depression

Fear, fear 
The main cause of depression is the presence of fear and dread in the patient. The patient gets scared and frightened by small things. But he always remains in a state of panic and anxiety.

Sadness of the heart

In this, the patient's heart is sad all the time in the morning, afternoon, and evening. even if something good is happening in his life, like a visit to a patient, an old friend, or some other good event in his life. Even if it comes with benefits like promotion, etc., the patient still does not feel any pleasure from them.

I'm not interested in any work:

In this case, the patient is not interested in anything like going to school, going to college, going to work or even doing any entertainment like playing games, watching TV, watching movies etc.

Negative thinking:

A depressed patient has many negative thoughts about himself, like I have no quality in me, I will not be able to do anything in life and will be wrong next to wrong thinking about the future and wrong thinking about people in the world. It is bad, it will not let me live.

"Energy Level:"

Patients with depression feel very weak and tired and sometimes find it difficult to walk.

* Inability to focus on any task:

If the patient's heart is not involved in any work, if he reads anything, it is not getting into his mind. When doing work, one is unable to concentrate properly.

* Loss of appetite:

A patient with depression has very little appetite. Nothing beats eating. All the time, it remains tense.

* Reduced sleepiness:

Lack of sleep is the main symptom of a patient with depression. In this, the patient wakes up two hours earlier than his normal routine.

Disgust with life:

What is the patient's thinking about life? It is better that life ends and he gets tired of himself, he gets confused with others, and sometimes the patient plans to end himself. Does it?


* Prohibition of prayer :

Prayer gives the patient of depression peace of mind, and prayer is the best way to get out of depression.

*Exercise :

A patient with depression should exercise in the morning and evening; run, jog. It gives the patient a lot of relaxation.

Change of location:

The patient should cut himself off for a few days from the person or thing causing the depression. Change the environment. And reduce the use of technology for a few days. 
The best way to get out of depression is to stand at the window and look outside. Maintain a positive mindset and think positively about others.
And look at the plants and the trees and look for a long time and think for a moment that in every winter, in summer, in wind and storm, when their flowers fall, the leaves are rooted, the trees become completely bare, but still theirs. They keep the roots strong and feed spiders, ants, and birds. They protect them with the hope that spring will surely come.


If all these symptoms continue continuously for two weeks in a person and, despite doing everything, he cannot get himself out of this situation, then such a person must go to a psychologist. After the treatment, full recovery takes place.

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