in future refuelling idea

in future refuelling idea

 Bahawalpur Airport is equal to Delhi Airport.

 35 minutes away.
 Delhi Airport has become big because refuelling is done there for flights going to Europe or America.

At Delhi airport, the flight stays in the air for half an hour only because the hangar below is not empty. If the flight has to travel to Europe, America, or anywhere in the world, then it is mandatory to fill the fuel from Delhi airport.

If compared to that, we built a refilling station in Bahawalpur.

So more than half of Delhi's rush will break and come to us. 
Our international airport will also be built. We will also have refuelling.

The government and civil aviation will also get good rent, and our airport will become functional.

Apart from this, we also have hankers. 
It means an airport has been built and there is a lot of land around the airport.

Where an airport can be improved is by a plane landing on one side and taking off on the other side. 
Normal #ships travel at a speed of 900 km per hour from Delhi to Bahawalpur. If you look at this speed, it takes half an hour.

If refilling work starts in Bahawalpur, then international flights will start landing in Bahawalpur. 
Hoteling businesses will start and activity will increase. There will be development in local businesses.

People will start coming from outside who will go to other countries through Bahawalpur and tourism will be boosted.

With this, we can make our desert a picnic point. Dubai's desert is smaller than our desert, while our desert is bigger and more beautiful.

The people of Dubai themselves are drawn here. The desert of Dubai is always full of tourists.
 These tourists can also come here. 
There is no issue of law and order here.


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