The birds fly in the air 10 month with out landing ground?

The birds fly in the air 10 month with out landing ground?

 Isn't it the glory of Allah that He has also created such a mysterious bird that can fly in the air for 10 months without landing on the ground?

The name of the bird seen in the picture under consideration is Swift, which is called Ababil in the Urdu language. 
Once airborne, the Ababel can travel 14,000 km non-stop, which is the longest migration of any bird.

Ababel's longest recorded flight so far is from Britain to Africa. 
This bird migrates to Africa to spend the winter.

According to a study by the University of London, this bird named Ababel can fly in the air for 10 months or more without landing.

It is the only bird in the world that can sleep while flying.

According to the researchers, this bird does gliding to save energy while flying; that is, after shaking it for a while, it leaves it open and thus flies in the air.

Nature has designed the wings of this bird in such a way that even a slight breeze pushes it forward, due to which it does not have to expend much energy while flying.

The research in the journal Current Biology further stated that when these birds fall asleep while gliding, they go so high above the ground that they are not at risk of suddenly hitting the ground while sleeping.

This bird can live up to 20 years and eats its food while flying in the air. 
This bird prefers spiders and flies as food, which it descends up to 20 metres to eat, but does not land on the ground.

According to researchers, despite all the research, scientific information about this mysterious bird is still very limited.


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